The difficulty I have when writing a blog is that I continuously circle back to ways of
expanding my thoughts on subjects I’ve already covered. I’ve decided, however, not to
view this as a problem but one of the benefits of blogs. So, I am now going to add why it
is a good idea for your health when you are aged 60 or over to write your memoir,
creative nonfiction or even a novel, and join a writer’s group.

The difficulty I have when writing a blog is that I continuously circle back to ways of
expanding my thoughts on subjects I’ve already covered. I’ve decided, however, not to
view this as a problem but one of the benefits of blogs. So, I am now going to add why it
is a good idea for your health when you are aged 60 or over to write your memoir,
creative nonfiction or even a novel, and join a writer’s group.

  • The group provides a social outlet
  • Your writing provides mental stimulation.
  • And the third, exercise, while out of my range, supports both.

Based solely on my own observations and without any scientific evidence, I suggest that
socializing helps to prevent a decline in language skills. I’ve heard many my age
complaining about losing words or finding themselves hesitating when completing
sentences. The more often you meet with your friends or your writing group, the more
practice speaking you will get and the more you will retain a fluid output of
conversational words.

Perhaps more obvious is that writing your memoir or work of creative nonfiction,
regardless of your approach or level of skill, is a way to exercise or message your brain.
And discussing your work, hearing it challenged and making decisions about it during a
writer’s group meeting is like an additional brain exercise.

So, remind yourself of the good you are doing for your aging brain when you join a
writer’s group and write that book you’ve been thinking about.

Send me your thoughts.

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